Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tip from Real Simple Weddings

Last week, Mrs Onion blogged about the Real Simple Weddings book that just came out. I was able to get a copy and have just finished pouring through it.

I highly recommend this book if you are at the beginning of your planning for your wedding. The information in it is mostly the same as what you see in most wedding magazines...I mean, let's face it, there are only so many ways to say the same thing.

BUT, there are ust enough new, fresh ideas and ways of looking at things that I think the book itself, although a bit pricey, is definitely worth looking through.

So far, my favorite tidbit is about a company in Philadephia, Well Spun Wedding, that can create a custom wedding DVD for you from footage shot of your wedding by friends and/or family for around $500.

Ladies, this is amazing information and I fully intend to do more investigative research on the process.

What magazines/books have you found to have the freshest inspiration/ideas for your wedding?

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