Monday, July 20, 2009

The Kernel has 'popped'

Hey there hive...just wanted to give a quick update to let you know that our son, Garrison Reid, was born into this world naturally on July 8, 2009 at 4:50am weighing 10lbs 5oz and measuring 21.5 inches.

We have been home a bit over a week and it has been an amazing time of bonding and getting to know the little guy.

And just to keep this post wedding related...for those of you who remember, Mr Corn and I were married on 09-08-07 and as you can see, Garrison showed up on 07-08-09...needless to say we are tickled over the coincidence...of course that means there is a bit more pressure on child #2 :)

Love to you all,

Mrs. Corn

Monday, May 18, 2009

A little magic for a gray Monday

As you may or may not know, I worked for Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL for four years right after I graduated from college, in the entertainment department.

A friend of mine, David, was a performer at the Beauty and the Beast show and had met a beautiful girl named Heidi, who was a dancer at the show, and had been dating her for quite some time when he decided to propose.

David worked for weeks to pull off an amazing proposal to Heidi. He was not a trained dancer, but he was able to arrange with the stage manager of the show to learn the Equity level choreography for the grand finale and surprise Heidi as she was dancing on stage. In the finale number, her dance partner danced off the stage and was replaced by David much to Heidi's complete surprise.

It has been ten years since they were married, and for their anniversary, David has posted, for the first time for all to see, the video taken that day. I was there in the audience, having sprinted across the park to see it in time, and I can assure you, it was the most magical proposal I have ever seen or heard of since.

Hope you enjoy the video on this gray Monday.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

LAST MINUTE: Calling all Boston Bees

**hey, Bee or Pengs: can you add our icons to this? I can do it, but I wasn't sure if you had a better file of the images to use**

Corn, Toucan, Hot Cocoa and Margarita are headed to the Fenway AMC to go see Bride Wars THIS SUNDAY, January 18, 2009 at the 11:45am showing.

Afterwards, we will head over to the Cold Stone creamery and meet up with Latte around 1:30pm for yummy desserts!

We know it is last minute, but we would love if you would join us for either or both of the activities. The plan is to meet at 11:15am in the lobby at the top of the stairs and we'll head into the theater at 11:30.

Let us know in the comments if you plan to be there! We hope to see you soon!!