Monday, July 20, 2009

The Kernel has 'popped'

Hey there hive...just wanted to give a quick update to let you know that our son, Garrison Reid, was born into this world naturally on July 8, 2009 at 4:50am weighing 10lbs 5oz and measuring 21.5 inches.

We have been home a bit over a week and it has been an amazing time of bonding and getting to know the little guy.

And just to keep this post wedding related...for those of you who remember, Mr Corn and I were married on 09-08-07 and as you can see, Garrison showed up on 07-08-09...needless to say we are tickled over the coincidence...of course that means there is a bit more pressure on child #2 :)

Love to you all,

Mrs. Corn

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