Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Holidays Everyone

Just came outside from taking a few pics of our house in the snow we have been receiving for the past three days. I figured I would post one since it looks so festive.

Mr Corn and I are headed to PA for the holiday and then on to California for New Years. In order to travel more lightly, we opened up a lot of our Christmas presents of my gifts was a web cam!! YAY!! So I am hoping to broadcast again sometime in the near future.

In Mr Corn's family, they have a tradition of giving ornaments to each family member that represent things that have happened throughout the year. This year I got this ornament:

What 'new' family traditions for the holidays will you be a part of this year?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Well, thank God it didn't rain!!

I am sure you have already heard about this wedding since it seems to have popped up on every news feed I read this morning. But just in case you didn't, the full story can be found here.

Jennifer Cannon and Doy Nichols were married in a public restroom in Times Square Yesterday. The bride wore a Hanah Kim dress made entirely of toilet paper, glue and tape.

Personally, the short dress that Mrs Onion and I fashioned in our webcast last week was MUCH MUCH better...not that I'm bitter or anything :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Took me long enough...

...but I FINALLY took the shadow box that I used to make the Guest Book Wish Tree Sign and made a memory box of our invitation suite.

Here is the box just prior to our wedding...

And here it is now...

I have it in our dining room, on top of an etagere case that we purchased with some of our Crate and Barrel Registry gift cards after the wedding. I also re-purposed the jar that held the wish tags as an pseudo-atrium filled with some of the sand, shells and grass from the wedding. The whole display is finished off with one of the manzanita branchs that we used for the wish tree and some candles I had around the house.

Are any of you planning to incorporate any of your wedding decor into your home? Any suggestions/tips?

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Hey there ladies! It was super fun to chat with y'all on Thursday and I had a BLAST meeting Mrs Bee and Mrs Onion. If you missed the highlights, you can find them by clicking on the calendar icon in the chat area of Bee TV. It really is a sight to see if I do say so myself :)

Annnnyway, a friend of mine sent me an email about a blog she reads written by a woman in NY who does hand written stationary and invitations. I headed to the site and the invites are G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!! I have no idea what the company is like; if they have exceptional service or what-not...but considering how much the site made me drool, I figured I had to give a shout-out on the Bee.

Here's a really fun wedding card that you could use for announcements or for Thank You's...

The company is based in NY and is called Citywrites and the owner, KJ, blogs over at KJ the DJ.

Some personalized stationary that you could get for your bridesmaids a-la Mrs. Onion...

Citywrites also does hand addressing of envelopes and seating cards!
Lastly, I just LOVE this note card set: "Questions for the chicken meeting:"

Do you have any off-the-radar finds to share with the Bee?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Comings and goings

Hey ladies!

I haven't posted in a while, but last night I got to thinking about how Mr Corn and I have been married for almost three months now and, as cliche as it sounds, it feels like the wedding was forever ago.

Part of that stems from the fact that we got married at the end of summer; just after Labor Day weekend, and then were in Italy until late September. Soon Fall came, and in typical New England fashion, we have snow on the ground and although it is still technically Fall, it looks awfully winteresque outside. In other words...we have experienced the best of three seasons in only three months.

Summer in Newport...

... Winter this morning.

Weather woes aside, even though the wedding seems to have been in the distant past, every once in a while I look over and literally think, "Holy shit, we're married! When did THAT happen?"

How long did it take for you to to settle in to your new marriage? If you aren't married yet, do you have any expectations on how long it will take you?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Vendor Review: Our Band - The Belltones

**WOO HOO lookie what I did. Good to go, Bee...let me know if this doesn't work.**

When we first started planning our wedding, I assumed we would hire a DJ for our reception and Mr Corn assumed we would hire a band. I loved the idea of a band, but I was convinced that we wouldn't be able to find one that we could afford that wasn't cheesy.

I. Was. Wrong.

We hired The Belltones, a five piece band "specializing in Swing, Sinatra, Motown and Disco".

I had no idea how to even attempt to look for a band, but it actually was really, really easy. When we first started looking, we were interested in a Zydeco band, so on a whim I Googled 'Zydeco Band' and the first post that came up was from a site called Gigmasters. One click led me to an amazing place where I was able to look up bands by style, type of event, even the state my event was in! Even more, I could see individual websites of the bands, I could listen to .mp3's, see pictures and read reviews. And incredibly, I could also look up ceremony musicians and DJs!! I swear, this was the easiest process; if only all the cake bakers and photographers in the world had a one-stop-shop like this set up!!

Below is a video of our first dance. Keep in mind we knowingly did not hire a professional videographer and the fact that we have this is purely bonus. I am posting it here so you can hear how great the Belltones were. We danced to "Exactly Like You" as perfomed by The Belltones:

Using Gigmasters was very easy and we eventually hired our ceremony musicians through them as well. We did have to pay a nominal fee to go through the service, but to be able to have access to so many different options was absolutely worth it.

Below is another video that highlights how well our band was able to roll with the punches. Here's the setup...because of a situation in Rhode Island a few years ago, there are new regulations on announcing fire exits. The Belltones are a Massachusetts Band, so I am pretty sure they were surprised that this was still required even though we were in a open tent. They handled it wonderfully and with grace and humor that our guests really appreciated. Believe me, I know how important the regulations are and I appreciate the safety precautions, but I am also glad that they were able to keep the announcement from changing the tone of the evening...

One of the biggest things I look for in a vendor is feeling like they really care about your event. Throughout the process of hiring and working with the Belltones they were very professional and curteous. They answered emails and phone calls timely and they were personable. I highly recommend them and have included their contact information below, including a link to their website. Please let them know you heard about them from me. We really, really loved them and would love for others to get to experience how great they were.

The Belltones
George Farrell

Found it!

After I posted about Mr Corn's cousin's wedding that we went to in Seattle, a few people wanted to know where the stamp came from that they used for their programs:

I am pleased to tell you that I was able to get the info from the bride and you can find the stamp at the Addicted to Rubber Stamps website.

Happy crafting!!

Emotional Wreck

I have a confession to make.

Ever since our wedding, I have been a complete and utter emotional wreck. I thought maybe it was because I was coming down from the wedding planning high. Or perhaps it had to do with the stress of losing my job at 8:30 in the morning the day we returned from our honeymoon. Or quite possibly, it was a combination of the two.

But I had a feeling it was something else. Something felt really different.

Finally, today, I have an answer.

I have been using the generic form of Ortho-Tri Cyclen for years. It is called Tri-Sprintec and it comes in a yellowish blister pack and each week of pills is a different, darker shade of blue until the last week, which are white. Mr Corn and I have always joked that I am always my most emotional when I am on the dark blue pills.


Because I apparently didn't have enough on my plate, and Murphy's law being what it is, my prescription needed to be called in to the pharmacy again around the same time as our wedding. I was very proactive in making sure that this happened so that I could pick up a three month supply right before the wedding and not have to worry about running out during our honeymoon or anytime shortly thereafter when I would be in the midst of the name change/insurance change process.

I picked up my prescription just before leaving to go to Newport and it wasn't until I got down there that I realized that the pill pack looked different. The blister pack was greenish and all the pills were blue except for the last week. Also, it was called Sprintec, not Tri-Sprintec. I called my Doctor's office and a nurse there suggested that it wasn't something they were aware of and that I should contact the pharmacist. So I called the pharmacist and spoke with a younger sounding male who assured me that there was no real difference between the two.


I have been taking the Sprintec ever since. I realized the other day that the sadness and moodiness and depression I have been experiencing matches what I used to feel on my worst days on the Tri-Sprintec...but I was feeling this way throughout the month. I mentioned this to Mr Corn, and he suggested we start to consider other birth control options, since we assumed that the Tri-Sprintec no longer existed and was replaced by Sprintec.

In the meantime, I realized yesterday that I was about to run out of the Sprintec, so I called the pharmacy to set up a pickup. A few hours later, the pharmacist (a woman, this time) called me because my insurance had changed (I am now on Mr Corn's plan). Since I had her on the phone, I asked her if she knew if there was a difference between the two.

And you know what? THERE IS!!! She immediately told me that there is a difference in the hormone levels in the two packs and that some women take the Tri-Sprintec because the regular Sprintec affects them too much emotionally!

In the end, I had to contact my doctor, have them call in a new, CORRECT prescription and then go and pick it up. It turns out, my doctor was out the day I called to have the prescription refilled right before the wedding, so another doctor called it in incorrectly. But I would have just continued to take the wrong thing, thinking there were no other alternatives, if the pharmacy hadn't called because my insurance had changed.

I figured I would share this tale on Weddingbee for two reasons. First, because when I tried to look up information on the difference between Sprintec and Tri-Sprintec I couldn't find anything, so I figured maybe this would help someone else who has experienced this. Secondly, because this entire situation got me thinking about how getting married requires so much more thought and consideration in other areas of our lives than is ever posted or written about in the magazines.

Odd as it sounds, part of our planning for the wedding included figuring out when my period was going to be and then choosing our wedding date and planning our honeymoon around it (in the end, I just ended up shifting my period by a week by taking an extra week between packs). I also had to plan ahead to have my prescriptions all in order so that I had time when I got back to change my name and insurance information and didn't have to deal with a lag in my prescriptions.

But I know I can't be the only person who has had to deal with all of this. What are some of the things that you have had to plan for that aren't covered on The Knot or in Martha Stewart weddings? Any tips to share with the readers?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Details - Pro Pics

As always, I give MAJOR, MAJOR credit to Kate Whitney Lucey for my awesome, awesome pro-pics!

Getting Ready Pro-Pics
The Ceremony Pro-Pics
Bride and Groom/Clambake Pro-Pics
Reception Pro-Pics

Now on to the Details pics!

Because it was so windy, the escort card display had to be set up very close to side of the tent instead of at the entrance, but it still ended up working fine.

If you remember, during my escort card trail run I had a hard time keeping the little envelopes attached to the string. We actually ended up folding the flaps of the envelopes over the line and even in the gale force wind gusts, 99% of them stayed on the line!

The basket with all of our programs. We, like so many other people, ended up with A LOT of left over programs. However, it was because I made enough programs for our original guest list of 140. In the end, we ended up with 106 guests, and every last one of them took a program, so I am glad that I didn't skimp on them. One way we ensured that we weren't left with all but 6 programs, was asking our ushers to make sure that every guest received one.

I loved my bouquet! It was exactly what I envisioned and I was so happy that my florist understood what I wanted and was able to deliver!

Our centerpieces looked really great on the tables and fit into the feel of the day so well. In the picture above, you can see that the driftwood pieces got reassigned to holding some of the other items down to the table.

Our final vendor meeting with the clambake people, which was actually the first time I sat down with them in person, was two weeks before the wedding. At that point we knew that our guest list was going to be much less than what we had budgeted for. Knowing that, I was able to add some things to make our tables a bit more festive looking. The biggest addition, were the silver chargers. I am so glad we decided to add them because otherwise the tables would have seemed a bit bare, especially since we were having a buffet and the plates weren't pre-set. I requested that the caterer fold the napkins into squares, place the favors on the napkins, and then put all of that on top of the charger, and I really think the whole table came together fabulously!

Every time I came across my seating card while making them, I was surprised by the last name on them! I kept thinking, 'who is that?'

Our cake was soooooo good; Chocolate Bourbon cake with buttercream frosting. My biggest cake tip would be to completely forego saving the top for your 1 year anniversary. I mean, a year from now, I am barely going to be able to choke back a bite of it, so why waste the whole top? No, I say save two pieces and then take the rest of it with you on your honeymoon and use it for sustenance when you have raced like the wind to catch your train and missed lunch in the process...not that we planned that :)

Our guest book wish tree worked very well. I had purchased the pre-printed tags from Paper-Source. Interestingly, most of our guests wrote a message that related to the word on the back of their tag! I had been worried that no one would sign the wishes, but our sign coupled with multiple announcements by the band helped to ensure that every last guest signed a wish for us...except for both sets of our parents who apparently 'just never got over there'.

A close-up shot of one of our programs.

The floating candles looked lovely in their antique ball jars, and lent a beautiful, soft filtered light to each table.

Our menu tents were made the same way as our table tents. I am not sure that anyone even noticed them, but they didn't really take much to make them and I was glad they were there.

So, now you have seen the whole wedding. I can not repeat myself enough that it was the most amazing day, and the joy I felt that day was well beyond anything I have ever experienced before or could have even imagined going into it. Going through these pictures with you all has been bitter-sweet because in a way, I feel like the whole thing is coming to an end. But I still have lots of honeymoon pics to share and some individual vendor evaluations to give, so I will continue to be around.

Thanks for all of your wonderful support! I have truly enjoyed sharing my day with all of you!!!

--Mrs Corn

Monday, November 12, 2007

Reception - Pro Pics

As always, I give MAJOR, MAJOR credit to Kate Whitney Lucey for my awesome, awesome pro-pics!

Getting Ready Pro-Pics
The Ceremony Pro-Pics
Bride and Groom/Clambake Pro-Pics

Now on to the Reception pics!

Waiting to be introduced...

We headed straight to the dance floor for our first dance.

Getting those dancing lessons was a great decision; we looked like we knew what we were doing, without having an overly choreographed number.

My lovley MOH, Sara, and Turner, Mr Corn's brother gave beautiful, beautiful toasts!

I love this shot of our reception...everyone really loved the lobster!

One thing I wish I had been prepared for when cutting the cake was that we didn't have a plate and/or forks to feed each other with. Normally, the thought of feeding someone by hand really grosses me out, but since I was so engrossed with the process of the wedding, it didn't dawn on me that we had another option until after the moment was over.

Dancing with my dad was amazing. My father is handicapped and can not walk/stand for anything more than a couple of minutes. He specifically requested Butterfly Kisses (the cheesiest, and LONGEST song on the planet) back when I was in college and I had to oblige. Thankfully, I was able to work with the band to shorten the recording and in the end, when he got tired, he just sat on his walker. It was a very, very special moment and I really owe how smooth it all went to our fabulous, fabulous band!

After Mr Corn's dance with his mom, to "What a Wonderful World", I danced with his dad while he danced with my mom to "Somewhere, Beyond the Sea". I thought maybe our guests would get bored with all that dancing, but in the end it was a special moment that I am glad we incorporated.

For some reason, I had it in my head that I HAD to toss my bouquet...I mean, I have seen it done at 99% of the weddings I have been to since I was a kid. While in the process of doing it, I felt like it was really breaking up the flow of the evening and I was wishing I hadn't done it at all...but now that it is a couple of months later, I actually don't care either way :)

Our band was phenomenal and they really got the crowd rockin!

Soon it was time for our amazing evening to end. Thankfully, our photographer caught a few more shots of Mr Corn and I before we headed out.