Friday, June 13, 2008

The alternate to being given away

It doesn't surprise me that many people think that the whole 'who gives this woman to this man' part of the ceremony is antiquated and chauvinistic.

What does surprise me is how many people apparently don't realize there are other alternatives.

Below is the wording from our ceremony supplemented by the choreography we worked out. Hopefully it will help someone out there...


*Processional (everyone walked down the aisle, the last of which was me escorted by my dad who remained standing with us at the 'altar')
*Statement of the Gift of Marriage
*Prayer (the 'congregation' sat at this point)

Declarations of Intent
Davis, understanding that God has created, ordered and blessed the covenant of marriage,
do you affirm your desire and intention to enter this covenant. I do.

Miriam, understanding that God has created, ordered and blessed the covenant of marriage, do you affirm your desire and intention to enter this covenant. I do.

Affirmation of the Family & Friends
Guy and Karen (Davis' parents), do you give your blessing to Davis and Miriam, and promise to do everything in your power to uphold them in their marriage? I do.

Marty and Peg (my parents), do you give your blessing to Davis and Miriam, and promise to do everything in your power to uphold them in their marriage? I do. (my dad was still standing with us at this point, so my mom stood up at her seat and they both said, individually, 'I do'.)

And do you, the witnesses to this union, give your blessing to Davis and Miriam, and promise to do everything in your power to uphold them in their marriage? We do. (at this point, my dad joined Davis' and my hands together, gave me a quick peck on the cheek, sat down next to my mom and the ceremony continued)


See...narry a degrading word or action in sight.

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