Monday, October 22, 2007

To Videography or not to Videography

There have been a couple of posts recently on the Bee about hiring videographers and I wanted to jump in and share our decision with you readers in hopes that it might help someone.

Mr Corn and I never thought twice about whether we wanted a videographer for our wedding. The choice was clear; we didn't. The reasoning wasn't because the tapes can be cheesy, or because the music can be bad. Rather, we both felt that it was stupid to spend any amount of money on a videographer for a video that we might watch once.

About a month before the wedding, it dawned on me that I wasn't actually going to get to see most of the wedding since I was in it. (For instance, when my cuter-than-cute two-and-a-half year old nephew escorted my mom down the aisle, I was still around the corner hiding from view.) I called up a couple we know and asked if one of them would mind just taping the ceremony for us. I knew it would be windy, and we probably wouldn't be able to hear a thing, but at least then I would be able to see the processional.

It turned out that our friends didn't own a video camera, so they ended up borrowing one from someone else who warned them that the camera had been having issues lately and just might not work. I was aware of this, and totally unfazed. I really didn't think I would care about the video that much anyway.

The day of our wedding, the camera did decide to work. And not only that, but my friends tapped into the sound system so that we could hear the entire ceremony. They also taped parts of the rehearsal party, interviewed people at the wedding and taped the speeches, toasts, and dances. Then they went home and edited it on their Mac and gave us a DVD, complete with menus and titles.

It is hands down, the best gift we received.

You see, from the moment the veil was placed on my head until about two hours into the reception was a complete blur to me. I barely remember any of the ceremony. Having the DVD allowed me to see my own wedding.

Now, the video is poor quality and the lighting is terrible. In fact, in the lowest light, you can barely see through the grain. But would we go back if we could and spend money on a professional? Not a chance. I will admit, I will most likely watch the video more than the one time I figured I would; but both Mr Corn and I still think it would have been a waste of money for us to hire a videographer. For one thing, for the amount of a videographer, we were able to serve lobster to all of our guests at the clambake. But I will admit, I sure am glad I asked my friends to help us out!

In the end, it is obviously a personal decision. However if you are deciding against professional videography, I would highly encourage you to find someone to stand quietly and at least tape the ceremony. I promise you won't regret it.

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