Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm Back!!!

I can not even begin to tell you how frustrating it has been to not have web access for just shy of 2 months. Since I have been out of touch for so long, I am hoping that what I have to offer to Weddingbee is still relevant. I guess I will start at the beginning and if I miss something or if there is something specific you readers want to know, just let me know in the comments and I can address it in a future post.

Alright...here we go...

The wedding was the most amazing day ever; I didn't want it to end. I know every bride says that, but as a bride-to-be I didn't quite understand how that could possibly be until my wedding day arrived.

There had been a lot of drama surrounding the day, with losing my job and the aforementioned sad family situation. But as the day got closer, it got easier and easier to just focus on the fun of the event.

One of my favorite moments from the day was early in the morning when one of my bridesmaids, Kristy, and I went to 7-11 to get cash for buying our breakfast donuts. I decided to grab some trashy magazines to read while getting ready and after the transaction the cashier told me to have a nice day. I replied, "Thank you", paused and then burst out "ImgettingMARRIEDtoday!!" The guy beamed at me and said "Really, that's great! Congratulations! Have fun!!"

Sitting back and relaxing...

Seriously, there are a bazillion reasons why the day was so great, but none of those reasons would have meant a thing to me had I not hired a Day of Event Coordinator. I am telling you, even if you have to let go of centerpieces on every table or have one less tier on your cake to afford to put it in your budget, DO IT!! The ONLY thing I had to do all day, was relax and show up. I didn't have to worry about setting up. I didn't have to worry if various family members were carrying out instructions to a T. I didn't have to worry about answering questions. I didn't have to worry about timing. I didn't have to worry about site coordinators not 'getting' my vision. All I had to do was show up. And THAT was worth every. single. penny.

Research the internet. Get a local bridal guide. Go to Knottie profiles in your area and look up their vendors. Do whatever you can to find as many links to wedding planners as possible and then find out if they have a Day-Of option and if it isn't in your budget, ask them if they can work with you.

I promise you, it will be an investment that will pay itself back threefold in peace of mind.

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