Sunday, November 4, 2007

The morning of - pics below

7:00am - Saturday, September 8, 2007 - 7-11 convenience store in Newport, RI

Male Cashier: Thanks. Have a nice day
Miss Corn:(beaming, as she picks up the stack of trashy tabloid magazines she just purchased) Thank you! (pause) IMGETTINGMARRIEDTODAY!!!
Male Cashier: Congratulations! Have a great day!!
I was so excited the morning of the wedding, I couldn't sleep past 6:00am! One of my bridesmaids, Kristy, and I headed out to go get some munchies to eat and on the way we stopped at the 7-11 to get some cash and pick up some tabloid mags.

Because Mr Corn and I are from Boston, and not Newport, we decided to rent a condo for two nights. This way, the girls and I could get ready in a nice, comfortable, non-hotel atmosphere and afterwards, Mr Corn and I could have a nice place to stay for our wedding night.

The condo was a really great idea and actually pretty cost effective when we factored in the cost of hotel rooms in Newport during the season!

Below are some of the non-pro pics of all of us getting ready for wedding. Enjoy.

The living area of the condo was perfect for all of us to get ready.

Breakfast of Champions :)

Texting Mr Corn

I was the first to sit with the hair get my rollers put in.

My lovely bridesmaid, Kristy, looks like a model!

At lunch time, a few of my closest friends stopped by with lunch and to hang out.

My AMAZING makeup artist, Mary, gets started on my foundation.

Back to the chair to get the rollers out and finish the hair.

Meredith, the hairstylist, was so great; we all loved working with her!

She was told to spray the HECK out of it since we knew it would be windy.

Final result! Sooooo pretty!

Mama Corn gets her makeup. She looked S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G!!

Back to the chair for my final makeup (so glad we had so much time to do all of this!)

Time for the veil! I think she got me with a bobby pin in this pic!

Once the veil was on the rest of the day FLEW by!

The girl's flowers and our photographer showed up just after this picture was taken so the rest of my wedding day pics are all pro! Can't wait to share them with ya!

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