Friday, September 7, 2007


Early this morning, I am picking up two of my bridesmaids and then we are headed down to Newport. We have 10 hotels to go to to drop off out-of-town bags. Then, we can veg out, have some lunch, relax and wait to be picked up by the car service to go to the rehearsal at 3:00. The rehearsal dinner follows that at 4:30 and then the rehearsal party at 6:30pm. Then I will go home and try and get some sleep before the big day.

I am having a hard time conveying exactly how I feel right now. I am not excited, I am not nervous, I am not scared. I am just very tired and slightly overwhelmed (that might have something to do with the fact that my family has been in town since Tuesday and for some reason, even though they are here to help, I just can't shake the need to entertain them).

There is a serious 'carrot' dangling in front of me, just out of reach, though and I catch myself saying moment to moment: 'in the end, when it is all over, I will be Mrs. Corn'.

And that is what I will be the next time I write. We won't be back from the honeymoon until late September, but I will try very hard to post a teaser picture before then.

Thanks to all of you for your inspiration and good will. Best of luck to all you ladies getting married this weekend and while I am away. Remember what is important and take a moment to soak it all in.

Signing off for the last time as Miss Corn...


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