Sunday, September 30, 2007

The best advice I can give...

I do have a lot to say about my wedding, but I am waiting until I have more consistent computer access before delving into all of that (for those of you waiting on bated breath for that to happen, I should have a new lappy around October 15). However, I do want to share the absolute, 100% best decision I made regarding the wedding because I believe if it can even help just one person, than it is worth sharing.

So what is it?

I brought a small notebook with me, and the morning after the wedding, when I couldn't sleep because I had so many wonderful, happy thoughts pouring through my brain, I wrote them all down.

This may sound like a very simple thing to do, but the reality of the day for me was that from the moment they put the veil on me until about 2 hours into the reception, everything. was. a. blur. I tried so hard to be 'in the moment' and it just got away from me.

Having the notebook and writing down my most cherished memories from the day has not only provided me with a invaluable personal record of how special the day was, but it also served as an instant pick-me-up when I was so sad and depressed about losing my job. The day was filled with more joy than I ever imagined possible, and to have been able to capture some of that joy and continue to experience it has been priceless.

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