Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Weddingbee Readers, I need your help

Due to extraordinarily unfortunate circumstances, not to mention ridiculously poor timing, as of this past Monday, I am no longer at my job. I had been thinking about doing something more creative and was hoping to further investigate those possibilities after returning from our honeymoon anyway, but still, I would be lying if I didn't mention how disappointing all of this is.

But, not one to let things like this get to me, I figure I can make lemon-cello from lemons (what...that isn't the phrase? Guess I've been in Italy too long.) and move on towards something better.

As you know, I designed and created many things for my wedding and I have long been a card making/scrapbooking enthusiast. Although many of the things I created were not my own idea, but rather were ideas inspired by things I saw others have made in the past, I do think that I have some degree of talent in the area and it really is something that I love to do.

So my question to you readers is this:

If you are not a DIY kind of person, but want to include DIY elements in your event; would you be willing to pay someone to do the DIY for you? If so, what would you expect to pay? What services would you find most helpful?

If you already do this type of work for people, how did you start your business and what are some tips you can share?

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. I know that this is supposed to be a forum for brides and I get just as annoyed as the next person when I find out that someone I trust is just trying to sell me something, but I am hoping that your feedback will help a girl out.


Mrs Corn

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