Monday, May 26, 2008

Looking Back, continued...

This installment of my 'Looking Back' series* focuses on one of the details about my big day that I am really glad I did: Instead of sequestering myself away while getting ready, I had lots of friends stop by.

Some people hole themselves away in a compound to get ready the day of their wedding. On the contrary, I opened the doors of the condo where I was getting ready and said 'the more the merrier'.

Of the five lovely ladies pictured above, not one of them was in our wedding party. But they are all dear friends of mine and are one of the most fun groups of people I know. They all came over to the condo where I was getting ready for the wedding and brought lunch and laughter along with them. The condo was teaming with people and overflowing with joy and it became one of the moments that made my wedding day so incredibly special.

This, of course, isn't a great idea for everyone. If you are a ball of nerves on your wedding day, it might not be the best idea to surround yourself with more chaos. But if you are calm and cool on your wedding day, than I truly suggest tossing aside the old-fashioned tradition of the bride getting ready in seclusion and surround yourself with as many friends and as much love as you possibly imagine.

*Previously in this series...

I'm so glad I did this:
renting a full length mirror
setting my DIY deadline for a week out from the wedding
making arrangements for my disabled father so he could participate

I wish I could fix this:
being too proud to start a few minutes late
not testing all of the directions before sending them out
forgetting to pause before rushing down the aisle

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