Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Looking Back, continued...

This installment of my 'Looking Back' series* focuses on one of the details about our big day that I wish I had planned for a bit better: cake cutting logistics.

As you can see in the photos above, Mr Corn and I go from 'Hey, let's cut the cake' to 'hmmmm, how about this side' to 'fine, I'll just jam the knife in' to 'for crying out loud, how hard can this be?!'

The issue was that there was a rigid insert in between the layers of the cake that we kept hitting when trying to actually cut the cake. In hindsight, I just wish I had realized this so that I would have known to try to cut around it rather than fiddle around and eventually just jam the knife into our pretty cake.

The second cake issue we had was that there wasn't a fork and a plate on the table for us to use had we wanted to. And believe me, I am of the 'don't lick my fingers, you don't know where they've been' school of thinking, so I really would have liked to have had a fork and a plate.

Granted, the caterer should be on top of that, but (again) in hindsight, had I ever thought of it prior to the wedding, I would have made sure to request it and then it really wouldn't have been an issue.

*Previously in this series...

I'm so glad I did this:
renting a full length mirror
setting my DIY deadline for a week out from the wedding
making arrangements for my disabled father so he could participate
having an 'open-door policy' at the site where I got ready

I wish I could fix this:
being too proud to start a few minutes late
not testing all of the directions before sending them out
forgetting to pause before rushing down the aisle

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