Friday, July 20, 2007

What to wear, what to wear...

The first question every girl who is invited to the wedding has asked me about the festivities is "what do I wear?" I usually tell them that Mr Corn and I will be dressed to the 9's but that everyone else is encouraged to dress 'garden casual'. The second question everyone asks is "what the heck is 'garden casual'"? To clarify...I'm not really sure, myself. But I tell them to base their decision off of these facts:

We will be eating lobster...lobster is messy...therefore don't wear anything that you can't just throw in the wash.

If you were a guy, I would suggest wearing khaki's and a collared shirt...I might even try to convince you to wear madras Bermuda shorts and a blazer :D

Other things to consider...Newport is in New England which is known for it's crazy-go-nuts weather. I have been to a wedding in August when it is 55 degrees and misty out and clamy and a party in October when it is 80 degrees and sweltering. That said, I think the usual high/low for the area for the beginning of September is 75/67. The wedding is on the water, so there is the possibility of a chilly breeze in the evening regardless of how hot it may or may not be during the day.

So basically, assuming it is a nice day, I suggest wearing a sundress and comfortable shoes that don't have spiky heels (since we will be on the grass) and bring a medium weight sweater/jacket in case you get cold in the evening.

What have you been telling your guests?

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