Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just. Can't. Wait.

As you know, I am in Orlando until Thursday for work. Basically, I am sitting at a desk in a freezing lobby of a hotel by Sea World in case one of the 666 FT Audit Campus hires that my firm just hired has an HR question. Thankfully, we haven't had that many fires to put out.

This has provided me with LOTS of time to sit and contemplate how my wedding is only 18 days away!!


Some people thought I was nuts to go to Orlando with only two weeks left before the big day, but actually it really pushed me into high gear to make sure everything was all set before I left.

Yes, there are things that need to wait until the last minute...seating arrangements, getting our license, having our final vendor meetings and my final dress fitting. But other than that, we could get married tomorrow if we needed to.

I will admit, well before I knew I was headed to FL; way back, 9 months ago when we first got engaged, I made a promise to myself that just like any other event I have planned in my life, I wanted to be done with the planning well ahead of time...and by 'well' I mean a week.

Of course, I never anticipated that with everything done that can be done, I would be so antsy! Which I guess is a good thing.

So are any of you planning on being ready to go early, or am I the only nutty one?

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