Sunday, August 12, 2007

The next dilemma...

So, here is one of the pictures that I have held on to for the past year which is my inspiration for our escort cards:

Mr Corn and I have searched for a year to find two branches long enough to use for a display like this. It seems much easier than it is. First, the branches need to be straight enough to accommodate putting them in the ground facing up. Secondly, they need to be sturdy enough to get into the ground. Lastly, they need to be long enough that once you put them in the ground you aren't left with 2 feet left of branch to work with.

After several failed attempts at finding something, we finally gave up and I purchased two shepherd's hooks on sale from AC Moore. The problem, they are actually quite difficult to get into the ground and once they are in there, they are quite wobbly.

I plan on hanging cones filled with hydrangeas from smaller shepherd's hooks along the aisle (you know, since I won't have garden chairs to hang flowers off of) and so I figured I would just get extra cones and hang them from the escort card display as well.

I did a mock up of the escort card display yesterday and realized we had a small issue. Even though there was only a slight breeze in our backyard, the wind caught the escort cards and blew them like sails. Most of them stayed on, but a few did fall off. I was able to take a picture when they were relatively still, and it looked great...but what do I do to keep them from tossing about wildly in the wind?

Below is a picture of what we came up with. I really hate it. I think it looks ridiculous. But I can't think of any other way to keep them from flying away. Does anyone else have a bright idea?

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