Thursday, August 9, 2007

Program template

Wow...I had no. idea. so many of you would want the template to the programs I made. Of course, that should make sense, considering how long I fruitlessly searched for something to help me :) Fortunately, my sister, who is a minister (and who is conducting our ceremony) sent me the order of the service, so I was able to go from that. Then I may-or-may-not have stolen bits and pieces off of random sites along the way (hey, at least I admit it).

Here are two links for you to download the program file. The first is in Word and the second is in PDF. This way, if you don't have the same fonts that I have, you can at least see what the program should look like and go from there.

(Miss Bee...please insert the files here)

The script font is AmazoneBT and the wide caps are Graverplate (similar to Copperplate). The font I used for the text of the reading is Bookman Old Style.

Happy program printing!!

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