Thursday, June 14, 2007

How we met

Mr Corn and I met at work three years ago. I was temping for his boss at the time. Everyone on my boss' team traveled extensively; I had emailed with most of them and I knew people's names, but I didn't know what anyone looked like. One day I found a CD with every-one's head-shot on it, but even those pictures didn't have names. Of the 15 people in the group whose picture were on the CD, only one of them looked younger than 45 and honestly, he looked a bit dorky.

A few weeks after I started with the firm, my boss asked me to invite the people on his team to a meeting. I sent out the invite and got 15 different responses back on why people couldn't go. The last excuse I got was from Mr Corn saying that he had jury duty. I almost sent back a snarky email jokingly asking him if that was the best he could come up with, but I remember at the time I was trying to be as professional as possible.

The day of the meeting came and Mr Corn showed up at my desk to say he had been released from jury duty. I looked up from what I was doing and realized for the first time that he was the guy with the dorky picture on the CD and I immediately thought to myself, 'wow, good for him he looks better than his picture!'. Mr Corn joked with me about how since he was released from duty he was trying to find something to occupy his time. Somehow, I roped him into clearing out a cube across from mine that was filled with old papers and collateral. He stayed for over an hour and we flirted and joked the entire time.

I remember thinking how weird it was that I was flirting with a guy at work, and I quickly put it out of my mind...until the next morning when he came to my desk to 'check on the cube'. I knew something was up. We chatted it up a bit more that morning and not long after he left my desk I got an email from him asking me out for drinks that night. Of course, I had to call/email everyone I knew and come up with an appropriately 'breezy' answer.

Apparently he had left his desk to go to a meeting and didn't get my answer for hours, because that afternoon I got a response to my email joking that I really knew how to make a guy sweat it out. I quipped that there were rules about how long I needed to take to respond and he swore he had never heard of such a thing.

Mr Corn picked me up at my cube at 5:30 that night and we went to a local bar. It was the best. first. date. ever. We talked for hours. By the end of the night, we were tentatively holding hands and every time I felt his warm skin on mine I felt tingles all over my body. We joked about how just like I had made him wait to get my answer on whether I would go out with him, he now had to wait the obligatory three days to call me.

As the night drew to an end, Mr Corn walked with me to the subway stop. As we were walking, he asked me if he could kiss me and I said I didn't think it was a good was our first date and all, but halfway to the subway, I paused on the sidewalk we leaned in and had our first kiss.

Fireworks, tingling sensations, a warm flutter in my stomach - sheer joy tumbled through my body as we kissed. He brought his hand to my waist and pulled me in deeper and I lost all sense of time. We eventually started walking again toward the station, holding hands, quietly thinking about how great the night had been. Mr Corn waited with me for my train and kissed me quickly as I got in the car.

When I got home I noticed I had a message on my cell phone. It was from Mr Corn saying that he knew he was breaking some sort of rule, but he had to call and tell me what a great time he had had and that he was really looking forward to seeing me again sometime soon.

That was three years and one month ago today and I remember it like it was yesterday.

How about you? How did you meet?

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