Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Imitation is the sincerest form of flatterypissing me off

******Hi Miss there any way to have a strike through the title where it says "sincerest form of flattery"? If not, can you just make the title..."Imitation is... ...pissing me off".

Thanks. --mz******

Stupid Pottery Barn. I walked into a store the other day to return something from my registry, and what should I see, right. there. in. the. WINDOW???

MY centerpiece idea!! The idea that I am so ridiculously proud of. The idea I have shared with everyone I know because it is the craftiest thing I have ever mustered from my imagination. See that clear cylinder vase in the middle there with the sea grass and the sand and shells?? That. idea. belongs. to. me!!
And now everyone is going to think I just copied off of them.


Oh, and to add insult to injury...look what showed up in their latest catalogue.

You can't TELL me other people out there besides me think having a clambake is a fresh idea!

I should sue.

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